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J Noah Not Happy with LBJ

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One correction: The dancing happened right after LBJ got fouled. You simply don't do that crap.


He was dancing the entire game. I watched a large portion of this game and it was ridiculous. Apparently Danny Green (from UNC) is "the dancer" on the team and it has spread throughout the team. It was way too far over the top during this one.


My buddy & I were talking about how LBJ is making it difficult to like him. He's a talented player, but he just comes across as so cocky. I don't have a problem with it as much as he did, but it is what it is.


Noah called him out from the bench. I was shocked that LBJ walked over like that. I never liked Noah much at Florida, but I always loved the way he played the game. The same goes for the NBA. I'd take Joakim Noah on my team any day of the week.

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I wonder if he'll be dancing when he gets beat out of the playoffs again. He'll probably just cry even more bucket tears and refuse to speak in the post game press conference. I wished Noah would have punched him in the face, but I'm sure he would have stolen all the tape for that too.

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I don't have a problem with Lebron, he's a lot of fun to watch. I agree with many of you though, he took it too far this time and I lost some respect for him. Dancing on the baseline of the court while you're team is up big is a little too much for me. Set on the bench and clap for your team. No need to make sure the camera is on you while you're out of the game.


I agree with JN, but with all the camera seeking and chest pounding he did while at UF it rings a little hollow.


I can also agree with Gunner. Noah was less than humble during his years at UF.

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I don't have a problem with Lebron, he's a lot of fun to watch. I agree with many of you though, he took it too far this time and I lost some respect for him. Dancing on the baseline of the court while you're team is up big is a little too much for me. Set on the bench and clap for your team. No need to make sure the camera is on you while you're out of the game.




I can also agree with Gunner. Noah was less than humble during his years at UF.


I've never been a big fan of histrionics but I can easily rationalize the difference between Noah's responses to big plays while in college and this dancing performance by LBJ.

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I've never been a big fan of histrionics but I can easily rationalize the difference between Noah's responses to big plays while in college and this dancing performance by LBJ.




There's also a big difference between the college game and the NBA. College basketball consists of kids in a man's body having fun & playing with emotion. Obviously there's a business aspect to it, but it's still a game.


If Noah had called LBJ out from the bench in college, I wouldn't approve of it. But in the NBA, it's fine with me.

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