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NFL Draft - Snake Draft ???

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I heard Mark Cuban's comments the other day about tanking after they were eliminated from playoff consideration. It bothers me that any team would deliberately not be all in on winning every game they play. However, I understand the benefit of having a better draft position.


After thinking about this, I came up with a unique idea. Any fantasy league that I have ever played in has always snaked the draft. This helps to keep balance and gives all teams a chance on draft day.


What if: All pro leagues snaked their drafts? What are the Pro's and Con's of doing this? Would it work in all leagues? Does it help eliminate tanking?

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No way. Let's use the Pats in this example. Would you rather them have pick #32 and pick #64 or would you rather them have #32 and #33? Yep, me too. So this is a bad idea.


Or, pick 1 and 33 vs 1 and 64?? Snake drafts are not good for the teams that pick early, which are the ones that theoretically need the most help.

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I heard Mark Cuban's comments the other day about tanking after they were eliminated from playoff consideration. It bothers me that any team would deliberately not be all in on winning every game they play. However, I understand the benefit of having a better draft position.


After thinking about this, I came up with a unique idea. Any fantasy league that I have ever played in has always snaked the draft. This helps to keep balance and gives all teams a chance on draft day.


What if: All pro leagues snaked their drafts? What are the Pro's and Con's of doing this? Would it work in all leagues? Does it help eliminate tanking?


No and can't even compare. In fantasy football you don't already have a full team. It's not like last years winner of the fantasy championship gets to keep his same team, the next year. If so then the snake draft would be horrible for fantasy football too.


The snake draft is to try to make it fair for people. In professional sports it doesn't need to be a fair. The championship team shouldn't have just as good of a chance to draft as many good players as the worst team.


Yes teams do tank seasons. However I don't think it happens as much in the NFL as other sports. In the Browns case last year, yeah the front office intentionally threw the season before it even started. However it's not like the players weren't trying or trying to lose. Even up until the last came you see bad teams win. Shoot i wanted the Bengals to tank their season but those dang guys decided to win a couple in December. It just doesn't happen as often in the nfl.

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