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Yesterday in church, I saw Coach Phil Morse who was the Defensive Coordinator at Centre College for Coach McDaniel back in the mid 80s. 30 years ago, I was in a Sunday School class with Phil, my dad, and Steele Harmon. I learned alot about Jesus and coaching football.


Coach Morse always said there were 4 types of coaches:


High (intensity) Positive

Low Positive

High Negative

Low Negative


He always said High Positive is best. Low negative is the worst. Of all the coaches I have been around, Chuck Smith(Boyle County) was the most intense & Dale Mueller (Highlands) was the most positive.


I don't know anyone that enjoys being around negative people. Kids, athletes, etc. are drawn to positive people. They want to be around them. You can have high standards AND be positive!



Black Shoes and White ShoeStrings: High Positive

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