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  1. I posted this question in the girls basketball forum but I'm unsure if it's still there, so here was my question from yesterday... I know that there are a lot of (were a lot) of shining stars girls teams locally in nky. I'm sure this is a good move for some of the more high level local players, but what about the majority of the girls on teams? Won't this change bring a lot more girls to tryouts, especially out of town girls? It seems that a lot of local girls will either get moved out (cut) or see the bench more. Ultimately it seems there will be less options for your average player. Didn't the Stars have some "b" and even "c" teams at different ages last year? Will there even be teams like that now? Ky premier doesn't seem like the type of program to carry "developing" players. I'm not upset, I don't have child that was with the stars (although I know some). The move seems curious, how does this help the Stars as an organization? Not the high level players, I get why it's good for them. I see less girls basketball options locally now thats what it seems? Maybe I'm missing something?
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