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  1. I'd hope that whoever accepted definitely is ready for it, or else they wouldn't have applied, haha.
  2. Where'd your so-called hint come from? Who is Coach W and how can you put a name out there without any knowledge? Unless you're one of the insiders on this?
  3. Who is Coach W? Did they already announce? I haven't heard anything
  4. Good game to both teams it seems. Holmes has a pretty great team and Highlands is dominating too! the 9th will be a grudge match until the end. Look forward to catching those games at BOKC.
  5. Yeah, you're right. That's what I meant. Not each coach has to beg and plead to be put in, but rather they say yes they can or no they can't!
  6. I think the coaches from each respective school ask to be put in. If it fits into their schedule and such. I'd assume if a school isn't in the tournament, one reason may be because there was already a regular season game scheduled that day.
  7. A meaningless district game? If Walton would have won, SK still would have been in the number 1 spot? Wouldn't that mean they each have 1 loss in the district, to each other?
  8. Such a strong young lady. So sad to have to have her go through something like this. Prayers go out to her and her family during this time.
  9. Agreed. SHS came to play it seems and SK did not do what they typically do. There has definitely been a rebirth of a great rivalry here. It was a knock down, drag out grudge match...this is what makes sports fun!
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