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10 Good
  1. Congrats to the Vikings. Ms. Liberty had a great point, the game was bad all around. Didnt call the big calls, but something small and could be over looked they would call. Great game to watch. Elliott had a great year, congrats to them as well.
  2. Great game by both teams! Congrats to Elliott! Go Lions!
  3. Is this post season as well? Does anyone know how many points he is away from this?
  4. Starters play 90-95% of the game. Elliott will have all week to rest up, they didnt have school today, no school tomorrow, so they can rest up.
  5. Congrats to Jonathan! He has worked very hard for this, couldnt happen to a better kid!
  6. They say the crowd in dead tonight, and that there isnt the "usual" Elliott fans there. Weather must have gotten to some people and scared them off tonight.
  7. Elliott 57 Morgan 49 End of the 3rd Ferguson 6points in 10 seconds!
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