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    If you can't hit somebody, run track
  1. Where have they gone? Right here in Russell, Ivan would never run the score up. Friday night at Lewis Co he had the third string take a knee on the two yard line. Class act!
  2. Thoughts. This is my favorite to watch a football game. You can just pull up and park next to the bleachers, which are probably the best visitors bleachers in the district.
  3. Can't you play in Ohio at age 19? Thought that was one reasom OJ Mayo went to Ohio, also can't you go to any school within the county, hence recruiting? Kentucky has alot more schools along the river thus thinning out population even more. I'm to lazy to look it up but thought I'd stir the pot.
  4. The kettle corn at Simon Kenton. :popcorn:
  5. It was his. This Russell team has no place for me, me, me. If they play as a team, do what the coaches want, play with emotion, and heart they will do well in the districts. He can run forward but can't cut. He's an all area guard but second fiddle to Spradlin at FB. I guess I'm old school, you played where the coach put you or you didn't play.
  6. Bailey was a target till the Greenup game. He was groomed as the left end since practice started. Pass plays envolving Bailey weren't used in the E Carter game, didn't need them. Would have been used in the Greenup game but kind of hard to catch a pass at guard. L Bailey is no Joel Korzep at pulling guard but has great hands, speed, and height perfect for an end.
  7. Nobody. Nothing has changed, just of a case of rumor and false postings. I guess no one has noticed Korzep is not playing guard. He is probably one of the best pulling guards Russell has had. He is perfectly happy playing number two fullback. That means L Bailey has to take his place who is Russell's second best receiver. Doesn't make sense.
  8. Only two players can receive credit for a tackle and only two types of tackles from where I'm from, solo or two assists.
  9. Good luck Rams, have a safe trip. Raceland 34 Paris 12
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